
A clear path to compliance
Genesys Medical Devices undertakes all the all the required activities to gain regulatory approvals in target markets (TGA, FDA, CE etc) including:
Compliance Planning for medical standards, including
IEC 60601-1 (safety)
IEC 62304 (medical software)
IEC 62366 (usability)
Lab testing and certification against these standards
ISO 13485 quality management compliance including:
Design controls
Design and development planning and reporting
Risk assessment and management (ISO 14971)
Verification and validation processes
Audit of subcontractor quality systems
Medical Device File preparation including
Device Technical File
Certification planning (against TGA, FDA, CE, etc)
Why TechReg is Needed
TechReg is the term we use to describe the role of engineering specialists in helping you comply with regulatory regimes. TechReg goes well beyond developing a device or system that adheres to the relevant standards.
There are many regulatory consultants who can tell you WHAT you need to comply with. Very few can tell you HOW to develop a product which complies, generally because they are not expert in the engineering involved.
Companies developing regulated products or devices must set up quality management and compliance systems for two core reasons:
Demonstrating product compliance with technical standards
Gaining certification with regulatory authorities
Medical Device Compliance
Genesys establishes all the necessary systems and documentation to comply with the key MedTech standards including:
ISO 13485 - Medical devices -- Quality management systems
ISO 14971 -Medical devices -- Application of risk management
IEC 60601-1 - Medical electrical equipment performance and safety
IEC 60601-1-2 - Electromagnetic Compatibility
IEC 62034 - Medical Device Software Life Cycle
Active medical devices are also items of electrical equipment. Genesys also ensure all the relevant standards for electrical devices are adhered to including:
AS 3100 - General requirements for electrical equipment
IEC 60950 - Information technology equipment safety
Electromagnetic compatability (emissions and immunity)